This describes sections T/C-1 and T/C-12 and is part of and attached to the EVENT ORDER (EO) between the PARTIES. It is in addition to and not in lieu of any other terms or conditions. Definitions of terms used herein are as provided in the T/C’s.



To indicate the importance, the very first clause (T/C-1) of the contract you sign to rent items and get services from AEG covers the responsibilities required of you as RENTER. You are receiving equipment worth many times what your are renting if for - you must make sure it is placed and used correctly and protected. Self-service guides are provided to help you with this, but AEG has no responsibility to teach these tasks to you or even mention it to you since you sign you have read them when you contract.

Problems can occur if you do not do what is needed and you agree to either cancel the troublesome items at the current cancellation fee (could be 100%) or pay the costs needed to correct the issues at emergency call-out rates. This can be expensive, so be sure to complete your DUE DILIGENCE and USER RESPONSIBILITIES.


  • Make sure you have done ALL your DUE DILIGENCE before signing a contract. Check us out, come into the warehouse, look at the items you want to rent and meet the staff. Once you sign a contract, you are bound to it - no later issues, claims or distrust can change that. You can cancel a contract anytime, but will have to pay the current contract cancellation fee and for all special order items, purchases, contract fees, insurances and services already rendered. These have a 100% cancellation fee.

  • Come into the warehouse again 4-10 days before delivery to look at the actual items to be delivered to your event to make sure everything meets your needs. You can modify your contract with different items if you wish.

  • Send us a clear and detailed SITEMAP. See: Them mark the ground for the 4-corners where any tent or large item is to be placed with paint, flags or tape. If stakes are to be driven, you must call the State 1-Call system to have utilities marked and mark any private buried utilities also.

  • Follow the preparation and maintenance steps in the handouts given at:

  • When renting a tent MAKE SURE you have the correct type and size. Use information and calculations given at You are SOLELY responsible for what you actually order! Always clearly say if you plan to have tables, chairs, dance floors, serving tables, lighting or sidewalls. (NOTE: Due to cross-liability claims other vendors' equipment cannot be placed under our rented tents without a waiver. Be sure to request this.)

  • You cannot use the rentals early (before the RENTAL START TIME) or have people other than your one representative or laborers you contracted to provide) within 50-ft of the setup location with work is going on. It is a construction site. You cannot put other vendor's equipment within AEG equipment (or vise-versa) due to cross-liability claims unless you notify us and consent is given.

  • While we do not mind if you setup your own lighting, decorations and other items after the main construction is done by our crews, this cannot be expected or demanded. If you must have time for your own pre-event needs --- add an extra day to the rental. It only costs about 15% of the first day cost.

  • TENTS ARE NOT STORM SHELTERS. You must immediately vacate everyone from within a tent and within at least 20-ft outside a tent if a storm or winds greater than 30-MPH are possible. It is understood it is safer to shelter inside a well constructed building or even a vehicle than within a tent and it is agreed tents are not storm shelters!



T/C-1. AGREEMENT TO RENTER RESPONSIBILITIES. RENTER agrees: (a) they have reviewed, understand and agree to; (b) they do not need explanation or reminder of and (c) they are solely responsible for and shall hereinafter meet all requirements of this T/C-1 (hereinafter altogether known as “RENTER RESPONSIBILITIES”). RENTER agrees to and affirms as follows: (1) they will continually meet the requirements of T/C-12 “DUE DILIGENCE” herein; (2) all RENTALS are STANDARD RENTAL GRADE with defects and RENTER preparation tasks and not new or SELECT or GRADE A unless so contracted; (3) they will provide EVENT SITE (“ESITE”) and meet all owner, code and legal requirements for its USE and assure continuous ACCESS as defined to AEG from the time RSSL leaves DELIVERING WAREHOUSE (“DWHSE”) until its return to DWHSE; (4) this EO, its CONTACTS, items ordered, sizes, times, dates, locations, BARRIERS, type of installation surface and the listing of such on the SITEMAP is accurate; (5) a SITEMAP will be timely provided to AEG as given on; (6) RENTER is solely responsible for correct sizing, types, kinds, quality and grade of any RENTALS ordered and AEG is not responsible for and makes no effort to determine RENTER’s needs. Further no recommendation, advice or opinion given by AEG shall be deemed making AEG responsible and only RENTER determines their needs; (6) RENTER will perform a WAREHOUSE REVIEW by inspecting all RENTALS at DELIVERING WAREHOUE (DHWSE) at least 4 and not more than 10 days before DELIVERY else accepts rentals as delivered and as meeting all RENTER requirements without dispute; (7) RENTER has verified tent sizing needs using the information at; (8) to provide immediate written notice of any change, postponement, cancellation, weather or any other condition that may impact performance of this contract by the processes given herein with no verbal or other understanding being valid; (9) all ESITE needs, including: (a) authorized use, (b) setup location(s), assuring they are flat, level, clear and trimmed and correct stating of the installation surface to AEG and the proper exact marking of all 4 corners of the installation location of any item over 400 SF, (c) one and only one point of contact on ESITE who shall be at ESITE when labor is present and who will supervise and maintain safety and security on site and provide for RENTALS and UTILITY location and any other information needed; (d) no other persons within 50-ft of setup or takedown locations while work is underway, (e) no OSTACLES, persons, vehicles or other obstructions whatsoever that in any way impede or hinder ACCESS during the delivery, setup or removal of RSSL, (g) continual access, (h) clear marking of all UTILITIES or obstructions on, above or below its surface, (i) all preparations needed to prevent damage caused by rentals, delivery or services including protection to flooring, lawns, drives and other surfaces, removal of décor, assurance of unrestricted access and (j) to repair any damage caused by anyone for any reason during the PERIOD OF USE including unintended negligence; (k) to EQUIPMENT CARE during PERIOD OF USE without regard to who performs transport, including repair of damages, standard maintenance, tightening, straightening, water/ice/snow SHEDDING, cleaning, oiling, greasing, fueling, maintaining fluid levels, replacing lost or missing fasteners, correcting or limiting loose fittings, breaks or tears, protection from weather, theft or loss and any other activity needed to maintain equipment in as-received condition or better, with any part of these items being provided by AEG only if listed as a separate EO line items and cost (it is understood that the purchase of the CDW waiver can mitigate damage costs). Further, EQUIPMENT CARE shall include the following: (aa) all items given in:, and any web documents linked to within those webpages; (bb) the keeping of all RENTALS except tents undercover if used outdoors when not in use and not exposed to sun or weather; and (cc) completing all instruction and training required for RSSL use and maintenance during PERIOD OF USE with such being listed as a separate EO line item and cost if provided by AEG; (10) to INSURANCE as required herein; (11) to provide all RENTER LABOR, labor training and labor certification(s) required; (12) maintenance of the required EXCLUSION ZONE around all RENTALS; (13) to all POLICY requirements, including POLICY-SOP; (14) to USE WAIVERS for MECHRIDES; (15) to provide utilities; (16) to provide all safety, including the monitoring of WEATHER and the stoppage of work and USE during INCLEMENT WEATHER, while HAZARDS exist or as otherwise required herein; (17) to immediately vacate everyone from within a tent and within at least 20-ft outside a tent if a storm or winds greater than 30-MPH are possible. It is understood it is safer to shelter inside a well constructed building or even a vehicle than within a tent and it is agreed tents are not storm shelters; (18) to comply with all laws and local codes, including health requirements; (19) to all ANCHORING needs; (20) to immediate report and add any necessary RSSL required to meet any condition, including WEATHER; (22) to immediately reimburse AEG for all damage and loss to RENTALS during the PERIOD OF USE with such costs as reasonably determined by AEG and shall include any caused by SUN, WEATHER, WIND, ACTS OF GOD and any other cause, with no unreported claim as required herein of "normal wear and tear", “installation error”, “negligence” or similar being valid or considered; (23) to return RENTALS in the condition received or better including items AEG is unable to timely retrieve and to pay additional rent on such items until so returned, and (23) to maintain ETHICS (as defined) in all things related to this contract. Incomplete, false, OPINION AS FACT or misleading information shall not be communicated nor shall any threatening, vulgar or demeaning communication occur. RENTER shall only have right of access and to use RENTALS between the RENTAL START TIME (“RST”) and RENTAL END TIME (“RET”). Delivery and installation can take until RST without recourse or regard to any other understanding(s). RENTER agrees to increase RENTAL period as necessary to meet all their needs or requirements. RENTER is solely responsible for return of RENTALS and if AEG fails to retrieve any item(s) RENTER return them to the DWHSE and cover all costs. AEG shall only be liable only for refund of the unused portion of the VENDOR DIRECT PAYMENT and no other RENTER costs or inconveniences shall be considered or reimbursed. RENTER’s failure to promptly return shall be UNAUTHORIZED KEEPING subject to additional rent and felony prosecution under state law for failure to return rented assets. RENTER agrees nothing discussed or intended is binding if not listed in EO except by CONSENT. RSSL selection: (a) RENTER accepts full responsibility for the selection, sizing, and choice of RSSL that fully meets their needs or desires; (b) AEG shall have no responsibility to advise or suggest RSSL options to RENTER; (c) If AEG does suggest RSSL options, RENTER is not relieved of their selection responsibilities given herein. AEG shall provide rentals and basic installation services but no design, training or other services unless specified herein or in the EO. AEG does not provide MECHRIDES and is not responsible for them even if/when providing assistance to RENTER. RENTER shall not assign, sublet, modify or move from its original point of placement any RENTAL except by CONSENT. RENTER agrees AEG owns CIR and SURRENDERED PROPERTY. It is agreed if RENTER RESPONSIBILITIES are not fully met, AEG at its sole option may QUIT performance of contract with the only adjustment or refund being an ECREDIT if so provided by POLICY-WARRANTY.

T/C-1.1 AUTHORIZATION TO MEET REQUIREMENTS. Should RENTER fail to fulfill any and all RENTER RESPONSIBILITIES or DUE DILIGENCE requirements stated herein, RENTER hereby authorized AEG to take any action AEG deems necessary to do so without further notice and RENTER agrees to pay any and all additional costs so incurred as determined solely by AEG at STANDARD RENTAL RATE, EMERGENCY CALLOUT RATE (double overtime) and contract revision costs. AEG will attempt to notify RENTER, RENTER AGENT or RENTER’s onsite representative as soon as possible. RENTER’s only other option is to CANCEL by FORM-CC any RSSL AEG deems not meeting requirements immediately upon notice and before any use occurs. In such case, RENTER is responsible for all additional costs incurred before FORM-CC of POLICY-CC is submitted to AEG and for all cancellation costs provided therein (up to 100% with a 25% minimum).

T/C-1.2 RENTER AGENT. RENTER may name any person to act on their behalf in the performance of this contract, including making changes, adds and cancellations and such person shall be designed on the EO as RENTER AGENT. RENTER AGENT shall have POWER OF ATTORNEY to act on RENTER’s behalf from the time of designation until the EVENT END TIME and RENTER AGENT authority shall not extend beyond this. AEG may upon notice, remove and terminate the authority of any RENTER AGENT as AEG may deem appropriate and this shall be without recourse. The designation RENTER AGENT is different and distinct from AEG acting as agent of RENTER as given herein. T/C-1.2.1 RENTER is responsible for the actions of any person or entity acting on their behalf, cause or interest and for any cost or default of contract they may cause. RENTER shall within 48-hours correct any such DEFAULT, cover any costs incurred and affirm no future DEFAULTs will occur, else all DEFAULT fees and costs shall apply.

T/C-1.3. RENTER SHALL HAVE AN ONSITE REPRESENTATIVE as given in T/C-14.4 (below) who shall be present onsite during installation and raise any issues or concerns at that time so they can be immediately corrected. The PARTIES agree known issues or concerns not so raised shall be accepted as-is, where-is and without adjustment.








Over 60,000 event rental items available. Appearances can differ, view each item and approve at your local warehouse to assure your needs are met. Photos show Grade A Select, the highest cost option. The lower the grade, the lower the cost but with more defects. See the items grading pages for additional details. Pricing subject to change without notice and will change with market conditions. Website pricing is for estimating only, actual pricing by current quote only. RESERVE EARLY! Orders subject to minimums. AMEREVENT® is the registered trademark of American Event Group, Inc. and © American Event Group, Inc., all rights reserved 2019-2024. Copyright applies to all webpage contents, pricing and documents and may not be used in any media without its expressed written consent.