Safe Sanctuary Policy ("SSP")                               FORM-SSP

Amerevent ("AEG") requires the following SAFE SANCTUARY POLICY for the protection of youth.

POLICY SSP defines the following as shown:

  1. YOUTH: Any person under 18 years of age who attends any event or activity that uses any AEG equipment or asset.
  2. ADULT: Any person of 18 years of age or older who attends any event or activity or that uses any AEG equipment or asset.
  3. ACTIVITY LEADER: Any person supervising, leading, monitoring, chaperoning or serving YOUTH or assisting in any such actions.
  4. USER: Any person or organization using AEG equipment, assets or programs.


-ACTIVITY LEADERS must be at least 16 years of age.

-ACTIVITY LEADERS must be at least 4 years older than the age of the YOUTH they will be working with OR they may not be left alone with YOUTH and must work under the supervision and ADULT who does meet the requirement.

-BACKGROUND CHECKS. ALL ACTIVITY LEADERS are to complete and sign FORM-SSP and be checked against the NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY found on the following FBI website:


-AEG is within the last 12-months to have verified completion of FORM-SSP and check the NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY for all ACTIVITY LEADERS it brings on site.


-USER is within the last 12-months to have verified completion of FORM-SSP and check the NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY for all ACTIVITY LEADERS it brings on site.


-ARREST AND PRIOR CONVICTION. No person who has been arrested and is awaiting trial or who has been convicted of child abuse (either sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse) may work with youth as an ACTIVITY LEADER.


-ADULT SURVIVORS. ADULT survivors of child abuse who desires to work with YOUTH is encouraged to discuss his/her willingness with a designated AEG Director or Manager BEFORE accepting an assignment.


-SIX MONTH RULE. ACTIVITY LEADERS must be active in AEG's OR USER's programs for six months before they may individually lead YOUTH programs. Prior to this, they may serve only in a team of two or more ACTIVITY LEADERS. AEG may consider exceptions to this rule with reasonable assurances of person's integrity.


-TWO-ADULT RULE. At least two ADULT ACTIVITY LEADERS who are not be married to each other are required in all close-quarter programming with youth.


-FIVE-TO-ONE RATIO. One ADULT ACTIVITY LEADER is required to supervise and chaperone each 5 youth attending an in-nature, over-night or close-quarter activity. Where this is not possible, ADULT ACTIVITY LEADERS who are not married to each other will be placed in every room, tent or other close-quarter area with a third ADULT ACTIVITY LEADER serving as a floater. Floater shall have visual and physical access to all areas (requiring either doors to be open or having prominent windows in the doors).


-LODGING: YOUTH of the same sex will room together without an ADULT. In situations where ADULTS must room with YOUTH in a hoAEG, cabin, tent or other similar situation, there must be two ADULTS of the same sex as the youth. ADULTS shall not sleep in the same bed with any YOUTH.


-MARRIED COUPLES. Married couples must room together separate from YOUTH they are not the parent or guardian of. Unmarried couples or persons involved in an emotional or physical relationship of any kind may NOT room together.


-TRANSPORTATION. When more than one person is present in a vehicle there must be more than one YOUTH or more than one ADULT the vehicle. Exceptions to this rule are allowed only in emergency situations.


-RELEASE OF YOUTH. USER shall release YOUTH or to the parent or guardian of the YOUTH or to the person listed on the YOUTH’S Participation Application.


-OPEN DOOR RULE. All activities with YOUTH shall take place in open areas or rooms with clear view through windows OR the door shall remain open while the room is in use.


-NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. No person preparing for, participating in, serving in or using the programs or assets of AEG shall have any expectation of privacy while doing so. All activities and communications of any and all forms shall be fully open for review by AEG, its assigns and by legal authorities, either by electronic or manual means, to insure the integrity of its programs, the safety of YOUTH and the compliance with law.


-REPORTING ABUSE. The law REQUIRES ACTIVITY LEADERS who work with YOUTH to report any type of suspected child abuse to the proper authorities (not USER or AEG). Contact the your local County Child Protective Services office. If immediate danger exists to a child, contact the Police, Sheriff or Highway Patrol (911) immediaAEGy and await their arrival and/or follow their instructions.


-ACTIVITY LEADERS who make such a report in "good faith" are protected by law from any form of liability, but failure to make such a report can give rise to criminal and/or civil liability. You may report in "good faith" anonymously.


-REFUSAL OF SERVICE. No person, organization or entity may participate in or use the programs or assets of AEG if they are in disagreement with or are in non-compliance with this SAFE SANCTUARY POLICY.

This Abuse Prevention Policy will be continually posted on AEG's website.


AMEREVENT ACTIVITY LEADER COVENANT, Inc. ("AEG") activity leaders, assistants, volunteers, interns and staff must review the AEG Abuse Prevention Policy and complete the questionnaire below. Failure to comply or to answer affirmatively to each question is grounds for removal from further participation in AEG activities.

 Please answer the following questions and click SUBMIT to return:

  1. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to observe and abide by all FORM-SSP policies regarding working with YOUTH? Yes  No

  2. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to observe the "Two-Adult Rule" to the best of your ability? Yes  No

  3. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to abide by the six-month rule before beginning an assignment as an individual leader? Yes  No

  4. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to participate in training and educational events provided that are related to your assignment? Yes  No

  5. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to promptly report abusive or inappropriate behavior? Yes  No

  6. As an ACTIVITY LEADER do you agree to discuss your experience, if any, as a survivor of child abuse prior to accepting an assignment? Yes  No

  7. Do you confirm all of the following: (1) you have never willingly observed or participated in child pornography or unlawful activities with a YOUTH, (2) you have never been convicted of child abuse of any form (3) and you are not awaiting trial for child abuse of any form. Yes  No

I have read the Experiencing Imagination Abuse Prevention Policy and this Activity Leader Covenant and I agree to observe and abide by the policies set forth. I confirm the answers I have given are truthful and accurate.


Signature _______________________________________________ Date _____________

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