Gambling laws vary significantly among states. Gambling is generally defined as placing something of value at risk for an opportunity something of value being returned through an activity of chance (not skill). Only certified non-profit organizations are allowed by some states to host for-gain gambling activities where money can be risked for gain (permits are required). Most unregulated gambling activities are prohibited. For information on your state's laws, see: Casino-type games and activities can be used as AMUSEMENT DEVICES provided NO GAMBLING activity takes place. Amerevent's AMUSEMENT DEVICES may only be used in non-gambling, family-friendly situations. To avoid conflict with any law, NO FEE OR CONSIDERATION may be received from participants for use of AMUSEMENT DEVICES. ANY DONATION COLLECTED by USER shall be separate and distinct from the use of AMUSEMENT DEVICES and NOT REQUIRED to play.
NO RISK OF LOSS, "NO CONSIDERATION": Players can risk NOTHING. Not their money, not their labor, not their property. The AMUSEMENT DEVICES and games you offer must be for entertainment only. It is simply a party with some great entertainment!
SELLING RAFFLE TICKETS, 50/50 TICKETS AND OTHER AT THE EVENT: Unless you have the proper state licenses, you may NOT sell raffle tickets, 50/50 tickets or ANY other form of opportunity to win a prize at your event. Selling a chance to win a prize or any consideration of any kind is gambling.
BUSINESS AND PRIVATE PARTIES: Businesses and private groups may offer casino-type games when they pay for everything and the "players" risk nothing. Nothing can be charged for playing (food and beverages would be excluded if on an actual "cash" basis). You may not determine raises, bonuses, contracts, work hours, quotas or anything of value from the game results. You may offer prizes within limits, see PRIZES below.
NON-PROFIT FUNDRAISERS: Non-profit organizations who wish to raise funds by offering an event that has AMUSEMENT DEVICES as part of it must conform to strict limits unless they obtain permits that allow them to offer games where money can be risked. Without such permits, activities must be limited as follows:
EXCHANGE FOR TICKETS OR PLAY MONEY. As long as the "NO CONSIDERATION" rules are followed, groups may exchange chips for "play money" or "tickets" after play with AMUSEMENT DEVICES has ended. You may NOT charge or collect anything of value for this exchange and everyone MUST receive the same exchange rate. Everyone must also receive at least $1 or 1 ticket that they can use in the prize round.
As indicated above, ALL awards, rewards or prizes DISTRIBUTED at ANY event where AMUSEMENT DEVICES are present SHALL HAVE no fee or consideration required for participation AND NO RISK OF LOSS OF ANY KIND to participant. (Not receiving an award, reward or prize for which no fee or consideration was paid is not a loss to participant.) Follow these rules in awarding prizes: (1) everyone gets a chance, (2) no one pays anything for the chance, (3) those lucky enough to win extra chances during your event did not pay for that opportunity and (4) one prize per person per event.
PRIZE ROUND. Allow only ONE prize per person per event. Prizes should be considered more like "door" prizes and everyone should have an opportunity to win (this is why everyone receives at least 1 ticket during the exchange period).
AMEREVENT is in no way responsible for your event, how it is marketed or how it is conducted. The USER MUST supervise its participants to insure no money or other consideration is ever wagered. USER is SOLELY responsible for all penalties, fines, lost rentals and revenues and all other losses incurred by BOTH PARTIES should use be deemed improper by a legal authority.