The digiphoto booth requires a minimum 4GB USB thumb drive (saves ~200 guest photo outputs) to hold the graphic files needed to run the booth as well as your guest photos. This thumb drive must be pre-configured with a static drive letter to run as drive Z: (DIGIPHOTO) and loaded with the operating graphic files.


You can order a pre-configured 4GB USB thumb drive from Amerevent for about $10.85 or a pre-configured 8GB USB thumb drive for $14.85. (This must be requested 10-days in advance or the cost if provided onsite will be $25.)


You can bring your own 4GB+ USB thumb drive to operate the photo booth touch screens and save your quest pictures. With support is not available to help you do it yourself ("DIY"), your drive must be pre-configured to operate on Windows 7 or later as drive Z: (DIGIPHOTO). The root of this thumb drive must be pre-loaded with the needed operating graphics files and your background.jpg file (if wanted).

Next, download the needed operating .jpg files. Click HERE for Atlanta area or HERE for St Louis and Kansas City. You must extract all the .jpg files and save all of them in the root of your Z: (DIGIPHOTO) thumb drive. Be sure to save your background.jpg file there also (if wanted).

Technical support is not available for DO-IT YOURSELF thumb drive creation, however, pre-configured drives are available (as stated above). The cost to configure onsite if your thumb drive is not configured properly is $25 and you may loose the option to include your background.jpg if you cannot load it onto a thumb drive we provide (we cannot do this for you onsite). You may wish to have a laptop available onsite for this.